Stepping Into Boldness.

Hey Folks!

I’m thrilled to be writing here at A Symphony of Praise! My name is Steven, and Erika and I are so grateful to have you join us in this ministry. As we renew A Symphony of Praise, you’ll be hearing more from me, and I pray that what the Lord lays on my heart will resonate with you.

As this new year begins, I feel a call in my spirit to step out into the uncomfortable and live boldly in every facet of my life. Boldness has never come easily to me, but as the years roll on, God has continued calling me to refine my life's edges. So, as I step into 2025, there is a desire to address something that I have remained complacent about. 

I have spent the majority of my life trying to remain comfortable.

So naturally, being bold and stepping out of my comfort zone is something I inherently avoid.

I’m not entirely sure what brought me to this place. Maybe it was rooted in my childhood experiences, or perhaps it’s simply part of my nature. You see, I’ve spent most of my life in my head, constantly analyzing everything. The result of this overthinking is a tendency to stay safely within my thoughts and emotions, avoiding the risk of being wrong. It’s a way of protecting myself from the discomfort of stepping into something new and frightening. Perhaps that’s why I’ve rarely acted boldly or courageously put myself out there. But this year, I sense God calling me to break that pattern and step into something different.

I want to approach this year with intention, keeping boldness at the forefront of each day. My goal is to make boldness the center of my thoughts and, through this focus, guide myself toward a life marked by courage and fearlessness.

As I step into 2025, I am choosing "Bold" as my One Word for the year.

Stepping into Boldness

What is ONE WORD?

Every year, Erika and I share the practice of choosing a single word to preside over our lives.

You can read more about ONE WORD here.

In choosing One Word to focus on each year, I come face to face with God in a new and exciting way. Not only is the practice of One Word a way to focus my intentions for the year, but it brings me closer to Jesus in my words and actions.

Be Bold and Courageous

Here I am, standing at the threshold of a new year, holding onto a fresh promise of change and growth from my Father. I feel a bit like Joshua, standing at the edge of the wilderness, called to step into the Land of Promise.

Can you imagine the fear Joshua must have felt when, after Moses’ death, the Lord instructed him to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land? In Joshua 1:1-2, we read:
“After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ aide: ‘Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them—to the Israelites.’”

Three times in the first chapter alone, God tells Joshua to be strong and courageous. That command strikes at the heart of how I feel stepping into 2025. I sense a shift in my life, and I know God is calling me to be bold, strong, and courageous.

So, with a little fear and a lot of faith, I declare, “I will be bold and not afraid, because He walks with me.” I’ve embraced His call and chosen boldness as my word for the year. In the days ahead, I’ll share how I plan to step boldly into this new season—hoping it inspires you to pursue the word God has placed on your heart as well.

In 2025, Being Bold Looks Like:

1. This year, I will be bold in sharing my testimony.

I’ve often hesitated to share my testimony of salvation. I’m never sure if it’s the “right time” or the “right moment” to talk about how I surrendered my life to God. But every time I hold back, I know deep down that I was meant to speak up. Those missed opportunities to offer hope have lingered in my heart, tugging at my soul. This year that will change.

The truth is that our lives can deeply impact those around us. Our testimony has the power to plant a seed in someone else’s heart—a seed that could grow into a full and beautiful relationship with the Father. If I am called to be the light of the world (Matthew 5:14), then I must let that light shine for others to see.

2. This year, I will be a risk-taker.

I've never been much of a risk-taker, always preferring the comfort of the familiar over stepping into something new. But this past year, an event made me question that comfort.

When a colleague left our workplace, I marched into my boss's office and confidently told him I wanted their position. I didn't fully know what the job required, and there was no one to cover my current role, but I knew I had to try. Despite all the reasons it might not work out, I went for it—and it worked.

That bold step into the unknown secured me a position that freed up my nights and weekends, giving me more time with my family.

This year, I want to embrace discomfort and say "yes" to things that push me out of my comfort zone. I want to learn not only to tolerate the unknown but to find joy in it, knowing that's where growth happens.

As I step into this bold new season, I will actively seek out challenges and commit to taking risks when they arise. With boldness as my guide, I will lean into the unexpected, trusting it will lead to growth—not just for myself but for those around me as well.

3. This year, I will be bold in prioritizing my relationships.

Life can get busy, and too often, Erika and I let everything else take priority over our relationship. From work and the theater to household projects, we’ve allowed our to-do lists to overshadow the connections that matter most. It’s a challenge we’ve recognized and are committed to addressing.

As I step boldly into this new year, I want to prioritize relationships. I want to be intentional about investing in my marriage, spending meaningful time with Asher, and nurturing my community of friends.

We’ve already laid some groundwork for this. We rearranged our home at the start of the year to create a more welcoming, gathering-focused space. By opening up our home, we’ve set the tone for connection and hospitality. I want to use this boldness to fill that space with the people who matter most, recognizing that relationships are far more important than any task on our list.

Boldness may not come naturally to me, but each day, I can step forward in faith, trusting in God’s strength. He is with me wherever I go, and that assurance gives me the courage to live boldly.

My prayer for you is the same—that you will walk confidently with Him this year, trusting in His guidance and strength. May your one word inspire transformation in your life, shaping your journey and drawing you ever closer to His heart.

Does being bold come easy for you? I’d love to know how you walk boldly.
Share in the comments below!

Steven Bain

Steven is an artist and writer from Eastern North Carolina. A devoted husband and father, he explores themes of courage, faith, and authenticity, inspiring others to live with purpose and strength.

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