My Step By Step Guide to Inscribing the Word.

In 2016 I launched the INSCRIBE THE WORD Monthly Scripture Writing Plans. Back then it was called Open My Eyes. Over the years I have watched as women, children, and families have grown closer to the Lord by simply writing out Scriptures as part of their daily Bible study.

I have always been a visual learner. When my classmates were reading textbooks for the test, I was taking notes upon notes upon notes. I was writing out portions of the textbook, and re-writing my notes. I color-coded everything and often used stickers, markers, and colored pens to remember what I had learned in class.


The same is true for when I study the Word. When I read the Scriptures, my mind tends to wander. I end up reading the same passage over and over because I forget what I've read. When I began to write the Scriptures, I found a new way to remember and absorb God's word, and it was so fun! 

Reading and studying the Scriptures should be enjoyable, you guys! So many people look at reading the Bible as daunting and dull. It does not have to be so, and God didn't mean for it to be so. The Bible is God's love letter; His instruction manual for us.  To me, Inscribing the Word makes reading His love story fun, bright, colorful, and most importantly life-changing.

Today, I want to show you exactly how I Inscribe the Word each day. My prayer and hope is that it inspires you, encourages you, and maybe gives you some tangible ways that you "dig deeper" as you Inscribe the Word. 

I want to start by saying that these are the items and supplies I use for my daily Bible Study. You don't need any of these things to Inscribe the Word. A simple notebook, your Bible, and a ballpoint pen or pencil are really all you need.  

Some of us (πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ) are in love with all things stationery, have addictions to pens, all things color, and markers, markers, and more markers. Anyone else saying "THAT IS SOO ME!" πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

I inherited the obsession from my Grandmother who was the same way. She had a drawer full of pens that she kept neatly arranged by color. Whenever I would visit, we would go through each pen and decide which was our favorite. So I am blaming my Grandma for my addiction; God Bless Her! 

But seriously guys, all you need is an open heart, a notebook, a pen, and the Word. These items are just what I use (being a visual learner) to make Inscribing the Word more memorable and colorful. I am not a Bible Journaling Artist (I wrote about that HERE), I so wish I was, so color and stickers make my day!

Step By Step Guide on how to Inscribe the Word and use Scripture Writing Plans for daily Bible Study.

A Step By Step Guide to
Inscribing the Word.

1. Prayer.

I always start with a prayer of thanks for the Word God has given to us. I praise Him for who He is and what He is doing in my life. I ask that He forgive me for any sins, known or unknown, and open my heart to hear, see, and receive His word. 

I will often write my prayers in my planner using our Hear My Voice prayer prompts or our Prayer Journals. I write my prayers each day in the monthly spread of my planner.

Using this method, I can go back each month to read how and when God answered certain prayers, and what the cry of my heart was that month.

2. The Reading.

After my prayers, I first read the chapter of the verse I’m inscribing. Sometimes, I will read it twice. I want to be sure to have a full-picture view of what I am going to inscribe. So be sure to read the passage once or twice before you begin inscribing. 


3. The Writing. 

I used to Inscribe the Word in different journals; whatever I had lying around the house. If that is your method, that is totally fine. But I wanted something a little more organized. I wanted a method that I could go back to year after year to see what God was teaching me through these studies.

Today, i Inscribe the Word in the Inscribe the Word 365-Day Journal I pick a color scheme for the week, and each day I can write the verse for that day. It is incredible to look back at the months and see the Scriptures popping right off the page. 


4. The Bibles.

I use three Bibles during my study time. Most often, I use ESV Journaling Bible. There is plenty of room for notes and journaling in the margins and I love the leather cover and strap. There are so many varieties of this Bible with different covers.

I also use the NKJV Life Application Bible. This Bible has been my go-to since I was a teenager. I use it almost every day for more in-depth reading, historical information, and book synopsis. 

Also on my desk is the ESV Illuminated Bible. Steven bought me this Bible for Christmas, and it is so beautiful, I tend to not write in it often. It is a gorgeous Bible with plenty of room in the margins for notes. The illustrations and graphics are breathtaking. Plus, the English Standard Version is a tremendous word-for-word version of the Bible.  

5. The References.

After I have written the word, I go to a few references for clarification on anything I need to go over. Having a commentary available on your desk or in your study area is essential. 

The three I use on a daily basis are:

The MacArthur Bible Commentary.

This resource has been a treasure of insight into the daily Scripture reading. Often, the Lord speaks to my spirit through my writing and then confirms His word as I read the commentary. 

The Macarthur bible commentary with the she reads truth bible.

The Macarthur bible commentary with the she reads truth bible.



I have written extensively about the Strongs on this blog. To truly understand the deeper meaning of each word of the Bible, you have to get the Strong's. It goes into detail on the Hebrew (OT) and Greek (NT) meanings behind each word.

As I am Inscribing the Word, if there is a word I want more in-depth clarification on, I will write it down on a scrap paper and search it out at the end of my study.


I don't use this commentary as often as the MacArthur, but it is still a wonderful resource. It is a quick read and provides inspiring insight to each verse of the Bible.

The Moody Bible Commentary and The Stron'gs Exhaustive Concordance are part of my daily study time.

The Moody Bible Commentary and The Stron'gs Exhaustive Concordance are part of my daily study time.



6.  The Colorful Stuff!

Hi! My name is Erika, and I have a problem with pens and markers! 🀣

Again, you don't need any of these colorful things to Inscribe the Word; they are just super fun!

The markers I use the most are the PILOT FRIXION markers. The colors are bright and beautiful and the fine tip makes it easy to write smoothly. They don't bleed through my planner or my journals and they don’t bleed through my Bibles!!! It’s a miracle!!!

You can write your prayers and gratitude in the monthly spread. Or use that space to fit your needs.

You can write your prayers and gratitude in the monthly spread. Or use that space to fit your needs.


My ballpoint pens of choice are the Paper Mate Profile 1.4B. These are basic ballpoint pens, but I really like how smooth they write. I do use these in my Bible as they don't bleed through.

I will often write my daily Scriptures using the Staedtler Triplus Fineliners, and then in the bottom of the day's writings, I will write any notes from one of the commentaries I mentioned above. I usually use one of the Paper Mate Ballpoints for additional notes. 


It is tough to find Highlighters that don't bleed through your Bible pages. I have had the most luck with gel highlighters. I use the Accu-Gel Highlighter, and they do not bleed through at all. The colors of vibrant and they last a long time!

The Accu-Gel Bible Hi-Glider do not bleed through and they last forever.

The Accu-Gel Bible Hi-Glider do not bleed through and they last forever.


7. The Stickers!

As I mentioned above, I am not an artist. I wish I could just take a pencil and draw beautiful illustrations. I've tried. I am not good! So to add some color and fun to my Inscribe the Word, I use stickers. I use them to highlight an area I want to remember. I use them to focus my attention on an important part of the writing. I don't go crazy with them, but I do try to add a few here and then to my Inscribe the Word Planner and my Bibles. 

There are tons out there, but I love the stickers from ME & MY BIG IDEAS. They come with tons of stickers and most of them are small enough to include in your planner. My favorites include the FAITH pack, the PLANNER BASICS pack, and the RAINBOW pack.


8. Prayer.

I end each day's Bible Study in prayer. I pray that the Lord would pierce my heart and convict me when I am not living out the words I just inscribed. I pray for blessings on the day and ask for guidance in all things my heart, hands, and mind touch.

This is my process for my daily Bible Study inscribing the word. Each study takes about thirty minutes, sometimes longer, sometimes shorter, but each day I leave with a deeper knowledge of my Lord and King. 

How you Inscribe the Word is completely up to you. The important thing is that you are making a habit and a commitment to getting in the Word every day.

A lot of people ask when the best time is to Inscribe the Word. Some swear that the morning is the best time for Bible study. For some people, it is. For others, schedules, kids, and work prevent them from studying first thing in the morning, and the quiet evenings work better.Psalm 1:1-2 says, "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers, but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law, he meditates day and night."

There is no right time to Inscribe the Word or study your Bible.
Mediate on it day and night; at all times!

Thank you for journeying with me through my process of Inscribing the Word. I pray that this has encouraged you, given you some fun ideas, and inspired you to get into the Scriptures.

Make it fun.
Make it colorful.
But most importantly, commit every day to being with Jesus in His word!

With All My Love . . . ERIKA 🐝

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