Hear My Voice . . . January Prayer Journal Prompts.

Happy New Year, Prayer Warriors!  It is going to be an exciting year at The Felicity Bee. 

The Lord has been calling me to make some changes as He enlarges my vision, and defines the purpose of The Felicity Bee. Like so many others in the Word, the Lord has called me to change some names. Abram went to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, Jacob to Israel, Saul to Paul . . . with a new name comes a new nature.

This year, I changed the Open my Eyes Scripture writing to INSCRIBE THE WORD. You can read all about it here. The Open my Heart prayer prompts will be changing its name to HEAR MY VOICE.

Like I said, with a new name comes a new vision and I am excited to share with you all that God has been showing me for 2017!

Hear My Voice Prayer Journal Prompts

I have been in a place of prayer during the month of December. I have been praying for direction for The Hive in 2017. With so many blogs, resources, and voices out there, I don’t want The Felicity Bee to become more noise in a busy world. I want this to be a place where you can come to be encouraged, refreshed, and inspired.

I was praying about the monthly prayer prompts and the Lord kept bringing this verse to the forefront of my mind. I know that when I can’t let go of something like this, the Lord is speakin’! Psalm 55:17 is the vision for these prayer prompts. 

“Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, And He shall hear my voice.” Psalm 55:17.

So many times we pray and cry aloud to the Lord, and we wonder if God hears us.  Do you ever stare up at the Heavens and say, “God, are you there? Do you even care? Are you listening to me?” I have many, many, times. I have cried aloud wondering if He hears my voice. 

Psalm 55 is the reminder that when you pray . . . HE SHALL HEAR YOUR VOICE.

As we start 2017 with prayer, I want you to be encouraged when you write out your prayers to God. He will hear your voice. He may not answer the way you want Him to. He may not answer as quickly as you’d like. He may even re-direct your prayers into the places He desires for you. BUT, make no doubt about it . . . He will hear your voice.

I pray that the Hear My Voice prayer prompts ignite your 2017. I pray that they focus your heart to pray God’s will for your life. I hope that you see miracles, deliverance, and peace as the Lord hears your heart and hears your voice.

To Download your prayer prompts, CLICK HERE.

To Download your prayer prompts, CLICK HERE.

The Felicity Bee Erika Michelle